Bucharest Feis and Grade Exams 2017

    During the week-end 23-24 September 2017, STEYsha School of Irish Dance will host the second edition of the international Irish Dance competition held in Romania, Bucharest Feis 2017. Saturday, 23rd September we will host the Bucharest Grade Exams (dance grade/level examinations) addressed to all dancers registered with a CLRG teacher.

     Sunday, 24th September will be the day of Bucharest Feis, the first international Irish Dance competition hosted in Romania, which both CLRG and non-CLRG dancers can attend. 

     Bucharest Feis‘ venue will be Centrul Sportiv Apollo, Bd. Energeticienilor nr. 5 and entry will be open to the public, free of charge.

     Thanks go to our event partners and supporters: Romanian-Ireland Business Association, Asociația Culturală Româno-Irlandeză, World Media Concept and The Irish Embassy Bucharest.

     For more details, timetable, rules, press information, multimedia gallery and many more, please browse the Bucharest Feis website.