Bucharest Grade Exams 2023 Information

Bucharest Feis 2023

  Dear teachers, dancers and parents, here is the Bucharest Grade Exams schedule. Please read carefully through the indications included in the file.

  Owing to a high number of registrations, we have had to add a second examiner to our Grade Exams panel. Gerard McQuaid, BG, from Ireland will examine grades Preliminary through six, alongside our already CLRG appointed examiner, Máire Mhic Aogain, SDCRG, who will examine all grades 10 through 12 and the excess of the smaller grades.

Bucharest Feis visitor information

Bucharest Feis 2023

  EN: The admitance fee for spectators is 8 EUR for the whole day. The admitance fee for Steysha families is 5 EUR for the whole day. Free entry for children under 12.

  RO: Taxa de intrare pentru vizitatori este de 8 EUR pentru întreaga zi. Pentru membrii familiilor dansatorilor Steysha, taxa de intrare este de 5 EUR pentru întreaga zi. Copiii sub 12 ani beneficiaza de acces gratuit.

Bucharest Feis 2023 registrations are open

Bucharest Feis 2023

  Bucharest Feis 2023 registrations are now open. Registrations will be done by teachers through the platform feismaster.eu. Please make sure you register by the end of October 15th 2023, to help us prepare all necessary details in due time before the event. For support requests for using the platform, please contact Peter Prochazka.

  Payments on the day of the feis, in cash (RON or EUR, at the rate of 1 EURO = 5 RON). There will be two separate tables at the venue for payments and picking up dancer number cards: one for the international competitors and one for the STEYsha School entries. Should a school need to pay via bank transfer in advance, please contact us.

  Remember, the registration deadline is October 15th.

Bucharest Feis and Grade Exams 2023

Bucharest Feis 2023

  Bucharest Feis and Grade Exams will be held on November 4th and 5th this year. More information to follow soon. We will open applications for grades Preliminary through 10 as soon as possible. Keep a close-eye on our website and social media pages. Any grade exams 11 and 12 candidates, please get in touch with us before May 9th.