Bucharest Feis and Grade Exams 2023


Bucharest Feis venue

  Bucharest Feis will be held on Saturday, November 4th, 2023 at Liceul Sportiv “Mircea Eliade”, Splaiul Independentei nr. 315-317. The sports hall is situated only five minutes away from the subway stop “Petrache Poenaru”, a very good connection to the city centre.

  The venue offers changing areas, toilets and a big hall to fit two competition floors: non-slip dance floors on a wooden base. Plenty of seating for parents and guests are available. As the hall is situated within the high school campus, there are safe spaces to take in some fresh air in between competitions, away from the city traffic. For an added bonus, the Dâmbovița River is right across the street from the campus. There is a parking area outside the building.

  Feis Venue map:

Grade Exams venue

  The Grade Exams will be held on the Sunday, November 5th, 2023 at our studio on 39 Cameliei Street, third floor.

  The dancing area offers a dancing Harlequin floor of 10 by 6 metres, on wood base, plenty of sitting options for participants, surround sound system, toilet and shower, AC, air fan and heating system, as well as possibility of  preparing hot drinks.

  As seen on the map, the venue is near the “Gara de Nord” railway station. The access can be made through “Gara de Nord” subway station (exit near Ibis hotel, about 5 minutes walking), by trolleybus no. 62, 85, 93 and 96 (“Ministerul Transporturilor” stop), by bus no. 133 (“Ministerul Transporturilor” stop), or by tram no. 24 (“Mircea Vulcănescu” stop). There is a small parking area outside the building.

  Grade Exams venue map: